Monthly Archives: December 2013

Schools Can Set Tone For Healthy Eating

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Some of the new programs included raising nutrition standards for snacks and beverages, offering taste tests of healthy foods and beverages to students, marketing healthy foods in school, and removing ads for unhealthy foods. In schools that introduced three or more new nutrition practices and policies, students ate 26 percent more fruits, 14 percent more vegetables and 30 percent more whole grains. They also increased their consumption of fiber , calcium and vitamins A and C, according to the study, which was published online Nov. 11 in the journal Childhood Obesity.
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Japanese scientists prove that healthy eating reduces suicide risk

The study, conducted over eight and a half years, is the first in the world to examine the association between dietary patterns and suicide risk. It concludes that eating fruit and vegetables reduces the risk of suicide by as much as 50 percent. The research was spearheaded by the National Centre for Global Health and Medicine in Tokyo, monitoring the eating habits of nearly 90,000 people between the ages of 45 and 74. Around 60 per cent of those who took part were female. Participants in the study were marked by the amount of vegetables, fruit and seaweed they consumed each day. In all, the scientists monitored intakes of 124 food and beverage items through a daily questionnaire. Among both men and women, a prudent dietary pattern characterized by a high intake of vegetables , fruit, potatoes, soy products, mushrooms, seaweed and fish was associated with a decreased risk of suicide, the scientists stated in their report, which was published in the December edition of the British Journal of Psychiatry.
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Watsonville market makeover promotes healthy eating

The project was celebrated Monday with a ribbon cutting. Martin Ramirez, who bought Vicky’s three years ago with brother Miguel, said it’s too early to tell whether the market will make more money, especially now during a seasonal garcinia cambogia slowdown in this agricultural community. But he said produce bins outside the entrance are bringing in more customers. Besides, he said, his own doctor told him to start eating better to combat high cholesterol.
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